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Standard TPS-based Controllers

All systems presented here come with full-featured open-source firmware. Purchase, install, configure, and run — no development effort needed.

TPS-based 4-port Serial Device Server

TPS-based 4-port Serial Device Server

See this device's configuration

This 4-port Serial Device Server is a member of our serial-over-IP product family. The device is supplied with a full-featured open source Device Server application. It is compatible with our Tibbo Device Server Toolkit (TDST) software, which includes the Virtual Serial Port Driver (VSPD).

Because Tibbo Project System devices are modular, you can easily customize your Device Server. For example, you can replace RS232 ports with RS485 or universal RS232/422/485 ports and even mix different port types in a single device. You can also change the number of ports, the type of connectors, choose a different power supply, decide if you need a Wi-Fi interface, and so on.

TPS-based 4-port Modbus GatewaysTPS3-based Modbus Gateway

TPS-based 4-port Modbus Gateways

Tibbo Modbus Gateways seamlessly route Modbus requests and replies between Modbus TCP, Modbus ASCII, and Modbus RTU masters and slaves. The flexibility and adaptability of our Modbus Gateways allow you to use them in practically any Modbus system.

The Tibbo Project System (TPS) configurations below implement four-port Modbus Gateways suitable for most applications. TPS2-based devices are more compact and can be ordered with displays. Having an LCD allows the device to show useful status information. TPS3-based devices are wider and can accommodate up to four full serial ports. All configurations can be ordered with or without the WA2000 Wi-Fi/BLE add-on module.

As TPS devices are modular, you can easily customize your Modbus Gateway. For example, you can mix different port types in a single device, change the number of ports, the type of connectors, choose a different power supply, decide if you need a Wi-Fi interface, and so on.

TPS-based Modbus Gateways are supplied with a full-featured, open-source Modbus Gateway application.

TPS3-based Remote IO Controllers

TPS3-based Remote IO Controllers

Tibbo's Remote IO solution allows you to remotely monitor and control the digital and analog lines of Remote IO controllers, as well as their attached sensors.

Remote IO controllers are supplied with a full-featured, open-source Remote IO application.

Tibbo Remote IO controllers are based on Tibbo Project System (TPS) hardware. The modularity of TPS devices and the flexibility of the Remote IO application allow you to configure your own Remote IO controller with just the number and types of inputs and outputs that you require.

OverviewAppBlocks Demo KitStandardCustomBareboneMainboardsTibbitsEnclosuresSolutions